Author: Mark

Renpho Hepa Air Purifier review

Renpho Hepa Air Purifier AP002 Review

Clean air is very important, even more so in recent times with air pollution reaching all-time high. So today we are going to take a closer look at Renpho Hepa Air Purifier (model AP002) and …
IonPacific Ionbox Review

IonPacific Ionbox Review (2022)

Today we are looking at one of the more popular air ionizers (negative ion generators on the market), the IonPacific Ionbox. Classified as a true air ionizer and not just an air purifier, this small …
How does an air ionizer work

How Does An Air Ionizer Work?

Before we go shopping for the newest and latest ionizer we must first be able to answer this question: how does an air ionizer actually work? This is important because you want to know what …
what does a water ionizer do

What does a water ionizer do?

Today’s modern, fast, stressful life, unhealthy diets, environmental pollution and lack of physical activity greatly increase the acidity of the body. The acidity of the body is a sign of a broken acid-base balance and …