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wellis air disinfection purifier review

Wellis Air Purifier Review 2024 | Air and Surface Disinfection

Last updated on July 19th, 2024 at 07:39 pm

Welcome to my Wellis Air Disinfection Purifier review. As air pollution keeps rising, many people turn to air purifiers as a solution for this ongoing issue. With that being said, there are quite a few different types of air purifiers on the market, some more effective than others. It is very important to choose the correct air purifier for your home, as not every type will fit every situation. It is my goal to help you decide if the latest air purifier from Wellis would be a good fit for you and your home. Let’s dive right into this review.


Wellis Air Purifier – Main product features

I want to open with a basic overview of the main features of this device. I also want to avoid just simply repeating the same information you can find on the product page, so I will adding my comments and some explanations under each of these points. This is a pretty special air purifier type, closely associated with air ionizers, which is why explanation is needed that much more in a lot of the features I will list. In no particular order:

Filtration based on OH radicals. This is not your typical HEPA filter air purifier and it resembles an air ionizer most closely. So how does it work? In short, the device releases a stram of hydroxyls which literally destroy viruses, bacteria, and remove other, larger-sized particles. Or if I go into a little more detail – these radicals attach themselves to the surface of harmful air pollutants, sucking out hydrogen (they can’t live without it), and turning it into H2O. You might have heard of this technology (PlasmaWave technology) before as Winix 5520-2, one of the most popular recent air purifiers, is known for it – and for good reason. This is a great air and surface purification method, as it does not come with a lot of limitations (which other air types of air purifiers do have) – it is safe, effective, and filter-free. It is most closely related to air ionizers, which is another rare air purifier type that can remove viruses and bacteria. The biggest difference here is that air ionizers neutralize them, while PlasmaWave technology destroys them. This makes Wellis air purifier a great disinfectant tool, not just for air but also for any surface.

Big room coverage of up to 1500 square feet. This is an air purifier suitable for large and even very very large spaces. There are two models of Wellis air purifier that you can choose from – a residential unit and a commercial unit. The residental unit has a room coverage of up to 1000 square feet, while the upgraded commercial unit can push those numbers to 1500 square feet. These are big numbers and rival most of the current popular air purifiers for large spaces. Compared to other air purifiers that use PlasmaWave technology, you will not find a better one than this; and the same goes for air ionizers.

Smart features. Wellis air purifier comes with a good air sensor that measures the quality of your air, in real-time. It shows either red (unclean air), yellow (somewhat clean air), and blue (completely clean) color. While smart features such as an air quality sensor is quite common in many expensive air purifiers that use HEPA filtration, it is really rare to find one in an air purifier that uses PlasmaWave techonology as its only method of air cleaning.

Energy Efficient. And I really mean energy efficient – it has a listed power consumption of 3.6 W (per hour). This is easily 10x or even 20x less than your average air purifier that uses HEPA filtration. The reason behind this extremely now is simple –  this device does not rely on or use big fans in order to clean the air. It uses special changeable cartridges that power up and enable the PlasmaWave technology. This is a common characteristic of pretty much all “true” air ionizers too, as they also do not use any fans for their air cleaning.

Product specifications

In the picture below, I have laid out all of the important technical specifications of Wellis air purifier. This should help you get a better overview and feel for what you expect from this device.

Product dimension: 8.66" x 5.91" x 14.57" (LxWxH)

Weight: 3.7

Tecnholoy: Plasmawave, OH radicals

Power consumption: 3.6W

Noise Level: Less than 30 dB

Filter Grade: Does not use any filters

Control panel: Air quality sensor, night mode, auto mode, alarm indicators

Filter replacement: 4x a year

Warranty: 18 months commercial version,
lifetime pro version

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Wellis Air Purifier – Pros and Cons

I will dedicate this section to list what (and why) are the benefits of using this device, as well as explain some of the negative you can experience. This is an important part of the review, as it is usually what is the deciding factor between realizing an air purifier is a good fit for you or not. Let’s start with the benefits.


Very effective disinfectant tool. Among all of the different air purifier types, you will currently not find a better solution for bacteria and viruses. PlasmaWave technology is the safest and I believe the best way of dealing with any kind of microorganism issue. Up until recently, the major disinfectant role belonged to UV-C light air purifiers and air ionizers- well not anymore. And the best part about plasmawave technology and OH radicals? They do not negatively affect our bodies such as ozone for example. Finally another technology safe for your kids, family, and even pets. All in all, a great tool against odors, pollen, bacteria, viruses, and mold.

Quiet. What is the biggest benefit of not using fans? The noise, or more specifically the lack of it. Wellis air purifier uses special cartridges as a basis for its air purifying technology instead of traditional fans. The end result? A very quiet device that produces less than 30 dB of noise  – this is quieter than most other air purifiers on medium settings. For a better idea, 30 dB noise is equivalent to the sound of a whisper. This makes Wellis air purifier a great choice even for the bedroom, study room, or any place where you need silence. Since I already mentioned that this air purifier does not use fans, there are no different fan speeds to select from and consequently no different levels of noise. You do get a “night mode” that is pretty much a cherry on top, since te “regulars” mode is almost unnoticeable anyway.

Compact design. Product dimensions of 8.66 x 5.91 x 14.57 inches (LxWxH) and really low weight of 3.7 pounds make this air purifier very flexible in terms of placement. It is small, can be placed virtually anywhere and you can even move it around from room to room with ease. You could probably even take it with you on vacation if you had a little of spare space left.


Expensive replacement cartridges. This is pretty much the biggest downside of Wellis air purifier. While it does not use filters, you still need to replace the OH cartridges and they are not cheap. On average you will pay twice as much as you would for a regular filter replacement, and twice as often. Yes, you will have to replace these approximately once every 3 months which is really often in the air purifying world. Once the cartridges are spent, the system will stop working until you change them. On the bright side, you do get two extra included with the purchase of your device, so you do get almost a year`s worth before you have to spend any money on maintenance.

In the table below you can find a short summary of the benefits and disadvantages:

Wellis Air Purifier Pros & Cons

  • Superb disinfectant tool
  • Helps a lot against allergies
  • Does not produce ozone
  • Huge room coverage
  • Literally whisper-quiet
  • Compact and light design
  • Frequent & expensive cartridge replacement
  • Expensive device

Wellis Air Purifier – Conclusion

This is a very unique, powerful and effective new air purifier on the market, that can stands its own even against the most fierce competition. It is very environment friendly as it does not produce any ozone and does not use any filters. If your main concern is safely getting rid of airborne pathogens, especially viruses and bacteria, then this air purifier is a good fit. In addition to that, it also effectively deals with allergies, mold, VOCs, and even cigarette smoke. The unique thing about plasmawave technology, which Wellis uses, is that it literally destroys these pathogens, even from surfaces – regular filters will not do that.

The combination of quiet operation, huge room coverage, and compact design make this device a good fit for your home practically anywhere – from your basement to your bedroom. The “standard” unit can cover 1000 square feet, but they even have an upgraded model available that increases that number to 1500 square feet.

That being said, this is a very expensive air purifier. It also needs regular maintenance and even the replacement cartridges are not cheap. While the the value is there and all of the benefits do justify the hefty price tag, this is not the best fit someone who is on a tighter budget and is maybe looking to just dip their toes in the air purifier market. Other than that, is it worth the money? I believe that it is, especially since you will not find better direct competition in terms of performance, currently.

And there we have it. I hope this review helped you decide if Wellis air purifier is a good fit for you.

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