Category: Air purifier FAQs

Is An Air Purifier The Same As A Diffuser

Is An Air Purifier The Same As a Diffuser?

Air purifiers and diffusers are two common things that people who are new to the air purifying world are usually confused about. Since air quality is generally getting worse, especially in the urban area, many …

Why Do Air Purifiers Produce Ozone?

So, you have read up a bit on air purifiers and noticed that some of them produce ozone. And now you are left wondering why do air purifiers produce ozone? No worries, I got you …
Why are air purifiers so expensive

Why Are Air Purifiers So Expensive?

If you are new to the air purifying world and decide to start looking for an air purifier, you will quickly notice one thing – these devices can get really expensive! So, why are air …
Do air ionizers really work?

Do Air Ionizers Really Work?

In this post I am going to be answering one of the most common questions regarding air ionizers – do air ionizers REALLY work? Here is the short version of the answer: yes, air ionizers …