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what does a water ionizer do

What does a water ionizer do?

Last updated on August 29th, 2021 at 10:17 am

Today’s modern, fast, stressful life, unhealthy diets, environmental pollution and lack of physical activity greatly increase the acidity of the body. The acidity of the body is a sign of a broken acid-base balance and is one of the main causes of many very serious conditions!

At one point or another, we all have probably heard of a water ionizer, water purifier or alkaline water. But what does a water ionizer do exactly? In the shortest possible answer: water ionizer is a machine that uses the process of ionization to enrich normal, tap water with active hydrogen. By doing so you get ionized alkaline water, which is very beneficial for your health. Active hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals, preventing degenerative diseases, inhibiting the aging process and improving the body’s antioxidant status. Free radicals are chemically very aggressive compounds that damage the body’s healthy cells and consequently endanger our health. They are the cause of degenerative diseases, faster aging, and many other very serious health conditions.

The biggest misconception that people have is that a water ionizer is the same as a water filter. This is completely wrong because a filter does just that – it filters the water and makes it cleaner. A water ionizer on the other hand not only filters the water but also enriches it. In this process, in addition to the purity, the structure and composition of the water changes. The end result is water that has quite interesting properties – ones that normal water can just dream of having!

So, how does a water ionizer work?

Although the exact process is quite complicated and can quickly turn too scientific, we will do our best to keep it as simple and easy to understand as possible. A water ionizer basically turns tap water into two different types of water – alkaline water and acidic water. For an easier explanation of the process we will be using the picture below:

how a water ionizer machine works

As we can see from the picture, when we first put tap water into the water ionizer it goes through a filtration system. Here all micro water pollutants such as microorganisms and chlorine, are removed. After that, the filtered water travels through a set of electrodes made from precious metals. This set of electrodes uses a process known as electrolysis, which separates hydrogen and hydroxide. In this process, the water also gets a lower surface tension, raises its pH and becomes a powerful antioxidant. After the process is complete, the water is separated into two kinds: alkaline water and acidic water. So if we just sum it up: what a water ionizer basically does is use filters and the process of electrolysis to transform tap water into alkaline water and also acidic water (separate of course).

Water ionizer health benefits

For health benefits, we are most interested in alkaline water. However, keep in mind that acidic water can also have its uses if we use it correctly but it is not suitable for drinking. Here are some example of how we can use acidic water:

  • Teeth brushing – brushing your teeth with this water helps remove plaque by destroying bacteria on your tongue and gums. Remember to spit it out after, do not swallow it.
  • Face washing – because the natural pH of our skin is acidic, using this kind of water helps us get free of pimples and acne. In addition, it keeps our skin firm and healthy.
  • Helps maintain and cleanse our natural hair glow – our hair also has a slightly acidic pH.
  • Great for watering flowers!

Alkaline water, on the other hand, is great to drink. Many users say it helps them get more energy, better focus and overall increases their well-being. Here we list the most common uses:

  • Powerful antioxidant – eliminates and cleans harmful acidic substances tissue and cells in the body;
  • Helps balance pH in our body – Ionized water, which is rich in minerals and hydroxyl ions, reduces excessive acidification or acidosis. This makes our first line of defense much more successful.
  • Excellent for rehydrating and detoxifying – because alkaline water has a smaller number of molecules in the cluster, it makes it easier to pass through the tissues of our organism and thus allow for more intense hydration. Good hydration is very important for our health and vitality.
  • Supplies the body with extra oxygen and energy.

Origins of  alkaline water

We would like to end this blog post by writing a little bit about the origins of alkaline water.

Somewhere in the northwestern part of the Himalayan Mountains, lies the remote Hunza Valley. Its inhabitants are also known for their over 100 years of life, which does not include standard age-related problems like weak bones, bad teeth, and many other diseases. They also have the longest lifespan in the world – some of the people there reach well into the 120s-140s.

To help you imagine this place, we have attached a picture below:

hunza valley alkaline water

When the first “Westerners” visited the region they asked the king there what was their secret. The king replied;

“Our water.”

Dr. Henri Coanda, an authority in the field of fluid dynamics who has studied the glacial water of the Hunza region for 41 years and its extraordinary beneficial effects on the human body, concluded that this is actually alkaline ionized water. Dr. Coanda named it “living water”, because its properties are very similar to the composition of fluids in the human body, and is perfectly compatible with our biological processes.

He declared it as one of the most beneficial things we can offer to our bodies.  He was also convinced that water plays a major role in protecting human health and slows down aging, more than any other nutrient. This is because our bodies consist of roughly 70% water and our brains even more – 90%!

In conclusion

The majority of people have this wrong idea that water is the same everywhere, or just has small differences. Sadly that is the opposite of the truth. Even in liquid state water has multiple forms. The biological water that is running through your body now is different from the unstructured water that we drink. In we dig even deeper we can find that water inside our cells differs from water that occupies the spaces between the cells. During our aging process, we absorb less water, nutrients, and vitamins. This is why we often feel like something is missing, even after we intake large amounts of water.

We already know that a healthy diet, good exercise, enough sleep and lowers stress lead to a better quality of life. Alkaline water that we can get from water ionizers helps us with all that and increases our longevity – a lot. This is the closest to a fountain of youth that we currently have, so in our opinion, it is worth further exploring.