How To Turn On Homedics Humidifier [Step-by-Step Instructions]

Homedic humidifiers are popular for adding moisture to dry air in your home. Such devices help make the air less dry. That can be good for your skin and breathing. Homedics is known for making their machines easy to use and helpful in your home.

How To Turn On Homedics Humidifier

Follow these steps to turn on the Homedics humidifier.

Step 1: Ensure Proper Assembly

  1. Confirm Stability: Make sure the base is stable and the tank sits properly to prevent any leaks or operational issues.

Step 2: Check It’s Clean

  1. Inspect for Residue: Look inside the water tank and base for any signs of residue or mold from previous use.
  2. Clean as Necessary: Use a vinegar-water solution for cleaning if needed, ensuring all components are thoroughly rinsed.
  3. Dry Before Use: Wipe down all parts with a dry cloth to remove any moisture before assembly.

Step 3: Fill the Water Tank

  1. Detachment: Gently remove the water tank from its base to avoid any damage.
  2. Filling: Use clean, preferably distilled water to fill the tank up to the indicated max line.
  3. Secure Placement: Once filled, place the water tank back on the base, ensuring a snug fit to avoid any spillage.

Step 4: Place on a Stable Surface

  1. Flat Surface: Choose a level and stable surface away from electronic devices and direct sunlight to prevent damage.
  2. Safe Distance: Keep the humidifier at least a few inches away from walls or furniture for optimal mist dispersal.
  3. Protective Mat: Consider placing a waterproof mat or tray underneath to protect surfaces from potential water damage.

Step 5: Plug In

  1. Safety Check: Inspect the power cord for any damage before plugging it in.
  2. Secure Connection: Plug the humidifier into an appropriate, functioning outlet to ensure a stable power supply.
  3. Avoid Extension Cords: If possible, connect directly to the outlet to reduce the risk of overheating or power fluctuations.

Step 6: Turn It On

  1. Power Button: Locate the power button or dial and gently press or turn it to activate the humidifier.
  2. Indicator Light: Watch for an indicator light or a sound that confirms the humidifier is operational.
  3. Immediate Check: Quickly ensure that mist starts to emit from the unit, indicating it’s working correctly.

Step 7: Adjust Settings (If Applicable)

  1. Mist Level: Adjust the mist output according to your comfort level and room size, if your model allows it.
  2. Humidity Setting: Some models feature a humidity setting to select your desired humidity level for automatic control.
  3. Timer: If available, set a timer for how long you wish the humidifier to run, helping with energy efficiency and prolonged life.

Homedics Humidifier Not Turning On? Fix

If your Homedics Humidifier isn’t turning on, it could be due to a variety of reasons. Troubleshooting the issue involves checking various possibilities and making simple adjustments or fixes. Here are some steps to help you diagnose and solve the problem:

1. Check the Power Source

  • Secure Connection: Ensure the humidifier’s power cord is firmly plugged into both the unit and a working electrical outlet.
  • Test the Outlet: Try plugging another device into the same outlet to verify that the outlet is functioning properly.
  • Circuit Breaker: Check your home’s circuit breaker or fuse box to ensure the outlet hasn’t tripped or blown a fuse.

2. Inspect the Power Cord

  • Physical Damage: Look for any signs of wear, tear, or damage on the power cord. A damaged cord may need replacement.
  • Cord Connections: Ensure that if your humidifier has a detachable cord, it’s securely connected to the unit.

3. Water Tank Check

  • Proper Placement: Confirm that the water tank is correctly seated on the base. An improperly placed tank can prevent the unit from turning on.
  • Water Level: Make sure the tank has enough water. Some humidifiers have a safety feature that prevents them from operating if the tank is empty or too low on water.

4. Clean the Humidifier

  • Mineral Buildup: Clean any mineral buildup from the water tank and base using a vinegar solution as specified in the user manual. Accumulation can interfere with the operation.
  • Filter Check: If your model has a filter, inspect it for clogs or heavy soiling. Replace or clean the filter as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

5. Examine Internal Components

  • Sensor Check: Some models have a humidity sensor. Ensure this sensor is clean and unobstructed.
  • Check for Blockages: Ensure that no debris is blocking the mist nozzle or internal airways.

6. Humidistat Setting

  • Adjustment: If your humidifier has a built-in humidistat, make sure it’s set to a level higher than the current room humidity. If set too low, the unit may not turn on.

7. Reset the Humidifier

  • Power Cycle: Unplug the humidifier for a few minutes, then plug it back in to reset the electronics. This can sometimes resolve any temporary glitches.

8. Consult the User Manual

  • Troubleshooting Section: Refer to the troubleshooting guidelines provided in the user manual. Manufacturers often provide model-specific advice that can be very helpful.

9. Contact Customer Support

  • Manufacturer Assistance: If you’ve tried these steps and the humidifier still won’t turn on, contact Homedics customer support for further assistance. It might require professional repair or replacement.

How to Keep Homedic Humidifiers Working Well

Keeping your Homedics humidifier clean stops minerals and mold from gathering. Clean air comes out when it’s well-maintained.

Cleaning Every Week

First, unplug the humidifier. Pour out water from the tank and base. Wash both with clean water to get rid of dust or dirt. Do this every week to stop minerals from building up.

Deep Clean Every Month

For a better clean, fill the tank with water and a bit of white vinegar, or use a cleaner made for humidifiers. Let this mix stay in the tank for about 30 minutes to loosen mineral buildup. Then, gently scrub the tank with a brush or sponge to remove any leftover buildup. Wash well with water to make sure no cleaner is left.

Change Filter

If your humidifier has a filter, check it as the maker says, usually each month. If it looks different in color or smells, it’s time for a new one. Follow the maker’s steps to change the filter to keep the air clean and the humidifier working right.

Look for Mold and Mildew

Often look at the water tank, base, and other parts for mold or mildew. If you see any, clean those parts with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to kill the spores. Wash well after to make sure no bad stuff is left.

Storing Right

If you’re not using your humidifier for a while, clean it well like you do for a deep clean. Let all parts dry fully before putting it back together. Keep the humidifier in a dry, cool place. Taking parts apart for air to move through can help stop mold while it’s stored.

Keep it Working Good

Besides cleaning, look for any damage on the electric cord or other parts. Make sure everything works right and replace parts that don’t. Doing these steps keeps your Homedics Humidifier working long and well, making your indoor air better.


What should I do if my Homedics humidifier doesn’t turn on?
Check to ensure the humidifier is properly plugged in and the outlet is working. Also, ensure the water tank is correctly placed. If it still doesn’t work, refer to the troubleshooting section in your manual.

Can I use tap water in my Homedics humidifier?
Yes, you can use tap water. However, if your tap water is very hard, it’s better to use distilled or demineralized water to reduce mineral buildup and prolong the life of the humidifier.

How often should I clean my Homedics humidifier?
It’s best to clean your humidifier every one to two weeks to prevent mold and bacteria buildup. Follow the cleaning instructions provided in your manual.

Is it possible to use essential oils in my Homedics humidifier?
Some Homedics humidifiers are designed for use with essential oils. Check your model’s manual to see if it’s compatible with oils and how to use them properly.

Photo of author

The author is an Air purifier expert with overall knowledge of air and ionizers.